We at RMG Staffing know that finding a job is always a difficult undertaking. Not only is difficult, it also comes with tremendous stress and headaches. And if you’re unemployed and short on cash, the ordeal in applying for a job, going through the interview process and waiting for a reply from a prospective employer could leave you distraught. Also, hotels and restaurants have had their own battle in building their staff. It’s a never ending battle for both employers and prospective employees to line up in the perfect match.
To help improve this alignment one of the things that needs to be done is to increase the awareness. Prospective employees need to know where are the best jobs in the hospitality industry, how much they pay and what are the required duties and responsibilities. And employers need the proper screening in place before opening their doors to applicants. As an agency that specializes in the hospitality industry, if you’re looking for jobs in a hotel or a restaurant or if you’re a hotel or restaurant looking to upgrade your staff we have you covered.
Top Jobs in the Hospitality Industry
Hotel Manager
The current median salary for a hotel manager is around $90,000 and could reach up to $125,000. Duties and responsibilities of hotel managers include supervising staff, property management and the allocation of funds to various departments. Entry level hotel manager position requires a bachelor’s degree with a minimum of seven years of experience within the industry.
Restaurant Cook Manager
A restaurant manager is the conductor of the insanity that goes in and around the kitchen. The entry level salary starts at the mid-40s. A lot of restaurants reply more on experience than education but if you want to work your way up to a higher position, some require a bachelor’s degree through culinary school.
A bartender is one of those jobs that doesn’t need a higher education to make the big bucks. Though bartender school has been very popular, as long as you know how to mix drinks and have the experience to back it up, the salary for bartenders could start as the minimum of 30K to the hundreds of thousands.
Waitress/ Waiter
A waitress plays a vital role in the success of a restaurant. Like a bartender, you don’t need an education to be a waitress. It all comes down to experience and your skills in customer service. Most waitresses gets the majority of their income from tips and depending upon where you work at, a waitress salary range between the mid-30s to 60K.
Executive Chef
In addition an extensive amount of experience working in the kitchen, the top restaurants require culinary school for their chefs. The earning potential for executive chefs, especially those at the best restaurants is astronomical. Entry level starts around the mid-60K and could go as high as the millions.
Head of Housekeeping
If you’re lucky enough to work at a five-star hotel or a world renown resort, as a head of housekeeping, you could be making as much as $75,000 a year. The minimum education level for this position is a high school diploma but requires extensive experience in the best hotels and resorts.
Where to Find Them?
So now that you know the income level for some of the best employment position in the hospitality industry the obvious question you might be asking is, “Where do I find these job?” or as a prospective employee you might be asking is, “Where are the top-quality employees?” To answer both questions in one shot, just call RMG Staffing. For prospective employees, let us do the searching for you, and for employers, we do all screening and training. Through our years of experience in the staffing industry, we have accumulated a large amount of industry IQ to help you succeed.